Victory Gardens 2009

Victory Gardens were the rage during the last two World Wars. 2009 is seeing a resurgence of them for various reasons. [for those who asked, here’s a collection of more hip VG posters]

Why do I specifically garden vegetables and fruit, as well as raise backyard chickens for eggs/meat? For these specific aspects:
  1. almost zero carbon footprint,
  2. beyond organic nutritional value,
  3. life lessons it teaches my children,
  4. bonding it provides as a shared hobby with my wife,
  5. barter with other neighbors doing different crops/projects (e.g. honey, soaps, skim balms)
  6. and the food security it provides, should our local grocery store begin to experience food shortages or rapidly increasing prices due to fuel surcharges. In the mean time we simply save money and eat better.

Our upper gardens are all raised beds for vegetables. Lower gardens have raised vegetable beds cut into the hillside as well as a baker’s dozen of three year old fruit trees.